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A Complete the sentences with the phrases in the box.
gets paid
long hours makes lots of money
pocket money full-time
1. At the moment, I've got a
I only work on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
2. My job is really tiring because I have to work
; ten hours a day!
3. My parents give me
every Friday.
I get €15 a week.
4. Mr Stevens is rich. He owns a shopping centre and
5. Bruce
weekly and usually spends
his money during the weekend.
6. Martha's got a
job so she hasn't
got much free time to spend with her family.​

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

да, конечно. только нужно выбрать профессию подходящую вам по обстановке, психологически, чтобы она вам нравилась, вы делали ее добросовестно и с душой!

работу нужно выполнять так чтобы было весело! можно выполнять работу слушав песню одновременно!

на :

yes of course. only you need to choose a profession that suits you according to the situation, psychologically. in order for you to like it, you did it in good faith and with your soul!

the work must be done so that it was fun! you can do the job of listening to the song at the same time!

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