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Впишите недостоющие слова, используя глагол в нужном времени (Present, Past, Future Simple, Present, Past, Future Continuous). Сокращения не применять. Если нужно вписать несколько слов, то между словами должен быть только один пробел. Предложения писать не надо, пишите 1) ответ, ответ. 2)ответ

1. He usually ...
(work) at the station but next month he ...
(work) at the docks for a few days each week.

2. John and Frank ...
(write) letters at 5 o’clock yesterday.

3. She ...
(clean) her teeth when one of them ...
(come) out.

4. The maid ...
(polish) the silver once a week, on Fridays.

5. While he ...
(pick) the broken plates, he ...
(cut) his finger.

6. Look! A big white bird ...
(sit) in our garden.

7. Tom ...
(play) tennis with his best friend at 6 pm yesterday.

8. He always ...
(drive) his car carefully.

9. Mary’s grandfather ...
(hurt) his back while he ...
(dig) in the garden yesterday.

10. When I was on holiday, I ...
(go) swimming every day.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Jenny could not find keys that i gave.

Популярно: Английский язык