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Vincent van Gogh is a Dutch artist, one of the brightest representatives of post-impressionism. He worked hard and fruitfully: for a little over ten years, he created such a number of works as none of the famous painters had. He painted portraits and self-portraits, landscapes and still lifes, cypresses, wheat fields and sunflowers.

The artist was born near the southern border of the Netherlands in the village of Grote Zundert. This event in the family of pastor Theodore van Gogh and his wife Anna Cornelia Carbentus took place on March 30, 1853. In total, the van Gogh family had six children. Theo's younger brother helped Vincent throughout his life and took an active part in his difficult fate. In 1868, a fifteen-year-old boy entered the branch of the art firm "Goupil & Co" in the Hague. For good work and curiosity, he is sent to the London branch. During the two years that Vincent has been in London, he becomes a true merchant and an expert in engravings by English masters, quotes Dickens and Eliot, it appears gloss. Van Gogh is waiting for the prospect of a brilliant Commission agent of the Central branch of "Goupil" in Paris, where he was supposed to move.

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