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Grammar exercise
You can see the scrambled questions. Put the words in the logical order to make up the questions and answer them. (Дано 5 речень з розкиданих слів. Потрібно правильно побудувати питання та дати на нього відповідь.)
Is/main/what/the/national/holiday/Ukraine/in? - What is the main national holiday in Ukraine? (Independence Day)
The/what/official/is/in/country/our/state/language? - What is the official state language in our country? (Ukrainian)
What/does/border/on/Ukraine/countries? - What countries does Ukraine border on? (Ukraine borders on Poland, Russia, Hungary,.)
Population/Ukraine/of/the/is/what? - What is the population of Ukraine? (more than 39 million.)
Ukraine/river/is/the/main/what/in? - What is the main river in Ukraine? (Dnieper)
Situated/where/Ukraine/is? - Where is Ukraine situated? (in the centre of Europe)
Is/the/what /of/capital/Ukraine? - What is the capital of Ukraine? (Kyiv)

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. Independence Day is the main national holiday in Ukraine.

2. The official state language of our country is Ukrainian language.

3. Ukraine borders on Poland, Russia, Belarus, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Moldova.

4. The population of Ukraine is more than 39 million.

5. Dnieper is the largest and  main river in Ukraine.

6. Ukraine situated in the centre of Europe.

7. Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine.


Составил только ответы. Во итак составлены уже правильно в упражнении.

He is sitting on the driver's seat of a car. He must be going to his way to work because he is wearing a suit and a tie. He is driving and shaving while he is looking to the mirror. He must be late because he looks stressed.

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