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Переведите на английский язык без переводчика Я думаю Розмари повела себя именно так потому что начала ревновать своего мужа, который скорее всего таких слов ей не говорил, уже очень давно и чувствовала зависть к Мисс Смит. Ведь в главная героиня подобрала Смит на улице для того, чтобы почувствовать новые ощущения, она до этого никогда так не делала, пыталась быть с ней внимательной и обходительной, но она совсем не знает как себя надо вести, потому что привыкла что все внимание приковано к ней, но она пытается. И когда она услышала что Смит хорошенькая и прелестная, ее чувство собственного достоинства было задето.

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I think Rosemary behaved this way because she began to be jealous of her husband, who most likely did not say such words to her, for a very long time and felt jealousy for Miss Smith. After all, Smith picked up the main character on the street in order to feel a new sensation, she had never done so before, tried to be careful and courteous with her, but she does not know how to behave, because she is used to the fact that all attention is riveted to her, but she is trying. And when she heard that Smith was pretty and lovely, her self-esteem was hurt.


I think Rosemary behaved this way because she began to be jealous of her husband, who most likely did not say such words to her, for a very long time and felt jealousy for Mss. Smith. After all, Smith picked up the main character on the street in order to feel a new sensation, she had never done so before, tried to be careful and courteous with her, but she does not know how to behave, because she is used to the fact that all attention is riveted to her, but she is trying. And when she heard that Smith was pretty and lovely, her self-esteem was hurt.

my favorite season is summer. warmth, flowers, fruit, holiday, lots of free time and, of course, rest. that's what the summer. how many plans for everyone! but, unfortunately, this time passes quickly. the impression is that the warmer days, the faster they run, taking with them wonderful memories of summer days. every day leaves something good in memory, which will then remember the cold winter evenings. some may argue that the summer is quickly bored, bored in the summer, because friends had left, do nothing. but this is not the case. even if you're staying in town, you can always find an opportunity to do what you like: museums, exhibitions, park, river, summer, reading favorite books, repair in your room, to help parents and much more. the main thing - to find something to do for everyone. i look forward to the summer, because in the summer you can relax with their parents or friends. for me, summer has always been associated with the sea, with unforgettable travel, with trips into the countryside.

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