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Дописать о звезде. once upon a time, high above the world, up in the sky, there lived a little star. she was very much admired by everybody. she was quite happy, but. you see, she had a cherished

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She would live on the earth. every night it looked down and one day a little star decided to make a courageous act. she fell down from the sky and flew down, but a little star burned down, and her dream like the dream of many, was not realized. but one little boy saw a shooting star and made a cherished wish.   она хотела бы жить на земле. каждую ночь она смотрела вниз. и однажды решила сделать отважный поступок. она сорвалась с неба и полетела вниз, но она сгорела, и ее мечта, как и мечта многих, не воплотилась. но один маленький мальчик увидел звезду и загадал свое звездное желание!

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