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1. Определите правильный вариант глагола в настоящем неопределенном времени.

A. She... not usually have supper at home.
a. go
b. did
c. does
d. have

B. Michael... home from work
a. come
b. coming
c. came
d. comes

C. Where does your son...?
a. studies
b. study
c. to study
d. studied

D. My brother... home late as a rule.
a. is coming
b. were coming
c. come
d. comes

E. ... you have lunch in the office?
a. Does
b. Did
c. Had
d. Do

F. It does not... me long to wash and dress in the morning.
a. take
b. takes
c. tookes
d. taking

G. Peter... go in for sports this winter because he is unwell
a. does
b. did
c. does not
d. do not

2. Определите правильный вариант вс глагола в настоящем неопределенном времени.
When do you...?
a. got up
b. getting up
c. get up
d. gets up

3. Поставьте соответствующий модульный глагол
A. I... speak English.
a. does
b. must
c. need
d. can

B. You... see a lot of students in the reading room
a. _ _ _
b. must
c. needn't
d. can

C. You... do this work tomorrow
a. may
b. do
c. does
d. must

D. The examination... take place today
a. may
b. can
c. need
d. must

4. Выберите подходящее слово
The article is... for me
a. the difficult
b. difficulter
c. difficult
d. the most difficult

5.Перевод слова "отдыхать"
a. to have a rest
b. rest
c. to take part
d. to have

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:

1 - c.
2 - c.
3 - a.
4 - d.
5 - b.
6 - b.
7 - c.

2 ex.
1 - c.

3 ex.
1 - d.
2 - d.
3 - a.
4 - d.

Ex. 4
1 - c.

Ex. 5
1 - a.


A-c. does

B-d. comes

C-b. study

D-d. comes

E-d. Do

F-b. takes

G-c. does not

{2}   c. get up


A-d. can

B-d. can

C-a. may

D-d. must (должен состояться) /  may (может состояться) -как вариант

{4}   c. difficult

{5}   a. to have a rest


По поводу 5-го.

(a) to have a rest  -  если точно, переводиться "отдохнуть".

(b) rest  -  переводится "отдыхать" если с частичкой "to", то есть to rest

               к тому "rest" ещё имеет значение "остальное; остальные"

Ioften hear this phrase and i wonder if it's excessive. while i can conceive it possible to be in the "wrong place at the wrong time", i wonder if people are generally using the double wrong as an emphatic. in most cases, whether someone is in the right place is measured by the events taking place. thus, if it's midnight and i'm asleep in my bed, i'm arguably in the right place. if an airplane drops out of the sky and crashes through the roof killing me, one could say either that i was in the right place at the wrong time or the wrong place at that time. do two wrongs make a right here? pe

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