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1. 1. Когда используется время Present Continuous? Напиши схему «-», «+», «?» предложения 2. Выполни задание She (drink) coffee. (-) I hate ……. (wait). It was difficult ………… (answer) her question. Harry … television every day. a) Is watching b) Watch c) Watches d) Are watching

2. 1. Назовите слова времени Present Simple. Напиши схему «-», «+», «?» предложения 2. Выполни задание Kate and Nick (play chess). (+) They wanted ……………….(discuss) the contract. Please, avoid ...........(speed)! No, I … the newspaper at the moment. a) Am not reading b) Don’t read c) Don’t reading d) Amnt reading

3. 1. Когда используется время Past Simple? Напиши схему «-», «+», «?» предложения 2. Выполни задание Lena( swim) a lot.(+) I hate ……. (wait). It was difficult ………… (answer) her question. Ann … French at all. a) Isn’t speaking b) Not speaks c) Doesn’t speaking d) Doesn’t speak

4. 1. Напиши схемы построения предложений в Past Continuous. 2. Выполни задание What subject (you, study) when I called you yesterday? They wanted ……………….(discuss) the contract. Please, avoid ...........(speed)! They … pictures of the shoplifter while she was stealing CDs. a) took b) take c) were taking d) Is taking

5. 1. Когда используется время Present perfect? Напиши схему «-», «+», «?» предложения 2. Выполни задания She (work) here since 2006. They wanted ……………….(discuss) the contract. Please, avoid ...........(speed)! No, I … the newspaper at the moment. a) Am not reading b) Don’t read c) Don’t reading d) Amnt reading

6. 1. Когда используется время Present perfect? Напиши time expressions. 2. Выполни задания My sister met my boyfriend a year ago. (know) Ann … French at the last le . a) Isn’t speaking b) Not speaks c) Doesn’t speaking d) Doesn’t speak

7. 1. В чем разница между Will / to be going to/ present continuous? 2. Выполни задания It is cloudy. It ……(be) rain. They … for us near the door. a) Are waiting b) Waits c) Is waiting d) Am waiting

8. 1. Назови глаголы, после которых идет герундивная форма глагола 2. Выполни задание I hate ……. (wait). It was difficult ………… (answer) her question. They wanted ……………….(discuss) the contract. Please, avoid ...........(speed)! We won’t play tennis if it rain. I’m happy if I pass the test.

9. 1. Назови глаголы, после которых идет инфинитивная форма глагола 2. Выполни задание I hate ……. (wait). It was difficult ………… (answer) her question. They wanted ……………….(discuss) the contract. Please, avoid ...........(speed)! We won’t play tennis if it rain. I’m happy if I pass the test.

10. 1. First conditional Напиши схему «-», «+» предложения 2. Выполни задания: -исправь предложения We won’t play tennis if it rain. I’m happy if I pass the test. If John …(win) the lottery, he …(go) to New Zealand. They wanted ……………….(discuss) the contract. Please, avoid ...........(speed)!

11. 1. Second conditional Напиши схему «-», «+» предложения 2. Выполни задания: He …(be) happier if the sun shone. If he … (leave) his job, he wouldn’t have to go out in the rain! They wanted ……………….(discuss) the contract. Please, avoid ...........(speed)!

12. 1. Third conditional. Напиши схему «-», «+» предложения 2. Выполни задания If Sheila ……….(live) in the city, she ………(walk) to work. Claire definitely won’t leave/ won’t leave definitely/ won’t definitely leave school this year. Harry … television every day. a) Is watching b) Watch c) Watches d) Are watching

13. 1. The passive. Напиши схему «-», «+» «?»предложения 2. Выполни задания: If Sheila ……….(live) in the city, she ………(walk) to work. Claire definitely won’t leave/ won’t leave definitely/ won’t definitely leave school this year. were/ the walls/ painted/ in 1998/ James/ by removed / will be/ the castle/ next year was/ who / by/ it/ by/ made?

14. 1. В чем разница между can/ must/have to. Какова форма этих слов? 2. Выполни задание: We ….. do my homework on Friday. I ……. speak English when I was three. My grandad doesn’t hear me. He ….. be deaf. Be quiet – you …. wake the baby. Dasha has got many cats. She ….. be cats lover.

15. 1. Какие модальные глаголы вероятности вы знаете? 2. Выполни задания: We ….. do my homework on Friday. I ……. speak English when I was three. My grandad doesn’t hear me. He ….. be deaf. Be quiet – you …. wake the baby. Dasha has got many cats. She ….. be cats lover.

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Labour economics,- рынок труда  labour market study- изучение рынка труда  goods and services prices-товары услуги и цены  growth-ростeconomics problems-проблемы situation details- положение детали  consumer behaviour-поведение потребителей  future prediction-предсказание будущегоgrowth mechanism- механизм ростаagriculture and manufacturing relationship-сельское хозяйство и производственные отношенияmineral resources prices-цены на минеральные ресурсы  agricultural product price growth-рост цен на сельскохозяйственные продукты  area development-зона развития trade growth prediction-рост торговли прогнозирования

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