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He said he was going out but he would be back in an hour.She said she could lend me some money, if I was short of it.The guide asked us if we wanted to see the catherdral.Paul asked if there were any letters for him.Sally suggested to have a BBQ that week.The teacher asked how long I had been learning English.The teacher told us not to chew gum during lessons.He explained he hadn't taken my bag and I were mistaken.He said she had left some books so I should call her then.He asked how much she paid for the ticket.Fred said he had been thinking of going by bus.Mr Jones told me to try to find a better job.Ann said she believed they hadn't got my letter.A student asked if someone knew the answer.My dad asked how I had got into the house.Robert asked my opinion about how many we had to take with us.She suggested to camp in the mountains.He asked if he had had an accident.Joe asked how long it took to get to Vienna.He told us not to write on that book because we might use the copybook.My mum told me to sit down and tell her what was troubling me.The boss asked me if I had done it myself.He asked what we had been doing the previous day at 6.00.He asked why I was spending so much time on those accounts.He said that was the house where he had been born.The girl said she didn't like the jacket and she preferred that jumper.She asked what I found difficult about cooking.She told us to leave quietly or our/their boss would get upset.She asked if he had been at the party the Saturday before.He said he had been driving fast and he had caused an accident.She said she would have bought a car if she had had enough money.She said she would talk to him if he came.She told me not to be late again.They asked me what my plans for the future were.He suggested to go out for dinner.Colin said she was sorry she hadn't rung before.The guest asked if s/he might look at the menu.The patient asked when s/he needed another filling.He said she had been waiting since morning.They said it was raining again.The operator asked who I wanted to speak to.The tourists asked if they grew rice in that field.
4,4(92 оценок)

1. do people play football in the usa? 2. does enrique lglesias live in spain? 3. what time do you get up? 4. where does she live? 5. what time do you go to school? 6. do your parents watch tv in the evening? 7. when does he play football?

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