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"Can i have your name please?" The policeman asked the young boy
"Are you seeing Gregory this week?" Mary asked Jane
"What time shall we be back?"sha asked
"Have you read the reports?" he asked his assistant
"How did the Prince wake Sleeping Beauty up?" I asked grandma
"Will you tell Liz to call on me tonight?" Fred asked Tim
"What's happened to you?" Walter wanted to know
"How old are your parents?" Sha asked me
"Did you use to eat much before going to bed?" the doctor asked Mrs Martin

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Ответы на вопрос:

The policeman asked the young boy if he could have his name. 

Mary asked Jane if she was seeing Gregory that week.

She asked what time they would be back.

He asked his assistant if she had read the reports.

I asked grandma how the Prince had woken Sleeping Beauty up.

Fred asked Tim if he would tell Liz to call on him that night.

Walter wanted to know what had happened to me.

She asked me how old my parents were.

The doctor asked Mrs Martin if she had used to eat much before going to bed. 


    думаю, нужно написать не эссе, а письмо.

                                                                                                наз. твоего города,


                                                                                      число(например: 17/03/12)

dear имя друга,

    thank you for your letter. it was nice to hear from you. i'm sorry i haven't answered earlier, i was busy.

    what a pity that you didn't come to my birthday! it was the best birthday party i have ever dreamt! all my classmates were here. as you know, my parents  organized party in the little cafe, so it was  comfy and funny. we ate ice-cream, different sweets and other tasty dishes. also we danced much, sang karaoke.

    it's spring now, and summer will be soon. what are your plans for the summer?   are you going to visit any new places? what do you think about visiting my town?   are you going to spend your summer holidays with your parent?

    oh, i have to go now, it's time for my favourite tv show.

    hope to hear from you soon.

    with love,

          твое имя.

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