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Nauryz is a very important holiday for Kazakhs. It marks the beginning of a New Yo
celebrated several days starting on the 21st of March, the day of the spring birth
Naury means new day. It is celebrated in the Great Steppes from ancient time.
Nauryz symbolizes goodness and wealth, happiness and love and a great friend dap da
This holiday is common to many mations
During the Nauryz holiday. Large and small cities, villages become festival centers, felt ut
traditional mom houses are erected in city centers and rich dustarkhan (tables and down
each of them. Traditional food is Nauryz kozhye, horse meat and busa
Tank 1 Anexer the questions:
1 What does Naury symbolize
2 What is traditional food at Nauryz?
Task 2 Choose the correct item.
3 You must must
have a bath. You are so dirty!
4 He has to doesn't have to get up early tomorrow. His flight is at 6.30 in the moming!
$ Honel Shall I make you a sandwich?
6 Havel May I go out. Miss?
Task 3 Write questions and answers with to Be in Past simple was, were)
711 at school yesterday? (No)

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Ответы на вопрос:

  1 faster - slower

  2 safer - more dangerous

  3 bigger - smaller

  4 cheaper - richer

  5 cleaner - dirtier

  6 more boring - funnier

  7 more difficult - easier

  8 colder - hotter

  9 further - nearer

  10 better - worse


2. my car isn’t very new. your car is newer than my car.

  3. ann’s house isn’t very modern. your house is more modern than ann’s.

  4. bob’s garden isn’t very big. your garden is much bigger than bob’s.

  5. yesterday wasn’t very hot. today is much hotter than yesterday.

  6. sue’s homework wasn’t very good. your homework is better than sue’s.

  7. your car isn’t very dirty. my car is dirtier than yours.

  8. this exercise isn’t very difficult. the next exercise is much more difficult this one!

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