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20 Complete the text with the articles a/an, the where necessary.
Yesterday my .... friend ... Alex Frank phoned me. We haven't
seen each other for ... four years. ... Franks have moved to ..
new flat recently and now they live not far from our ... house
on ... Oak Street. ... Alex wanted to see me and we met in
city centre. ... weather was nice so we decided to go to
We chose ... Shade Park as it was very cosy. It was sati
and there were many people in ... park. We talked a lot
Iked a lot and then
found ... small café to have ... cup of coffee. ... Alex
about his ... life. He was fond of ... sport and ... musie
Lasketball and he learned to play ... guitar. I invited
played ... basketball and he learned
isit my ... place to meet my ... parents and my
... Alex to visit my ... place to mo
younger sister. We agreed to meet in ... week
hayat school. We enjoyed our ... meeting grentl..
up of coffee. ... Alex told me
sport and ... music. ... Alex
in ... week, as we both were
ДО ТЬ ДУЖЕ балів ​

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Ответы на вопрос:



younger моложе

better лучше

bigger больше

по смыслу подходит better потому что переводится как мой старший брат говорит по английски ЛУЧШЕ меня

Популярно: Английский язык