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The Grove of the
Dancing Birches
In the mountains of northern Kazakhstan, there is a lake with dean
water called Burabai. Around the lake, there are beautiful pine trees
and pretty groves of birch trees. But how did these trees come to
be? There is a story about one of these groves,
Once upon a time, there was a lovely village by the side of aurabal One
day. Its people decided to organise a special festval There were ganes
and competitions to test the intelligence, skill and strength of the young
people, as well as songs and poetry. But the most important part of the
festival was the danang!
When the Khan heard about the festival, he decided to go and see the
singing, dancing and games for himself. But he realised that any of the
other people recognised him, they would be uncomfortable and wouldn't
dance or sing freely. So, he took off all of his rich jewels and put on
simple clothes to look like an ordinary person. In this way, he could go
to the festival secretly!
At the festival, everyone was having a great time playing games and
sports. Eventually, the music started and all the young women got up and
started dancing. The Khan was so amazed by their grace. He jumped up
out of his seat and started complimenting the dancers on their skill and
beauty. The girls recognised the Khan. They were so terrified that they
froze where they stood and turned into a grove of white bird treesi
To this day, many people from Kazakhstan and other parts of the world
travel to the Grove of the Dancing Berches to admire its beauty and hear
the incredible story of the Khan and the girls who became trees.
Задание таково: Find two sentences in the text thar express fact and two that express opinion.Compare with your partner ​

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The of god englihe like naw byt gacah life in gacah clube

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