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Telephone Conversation with the English Company
Telephone operator: Continental Equipment. Can I help you? Mr Smirnov: I like to speak to Mr Cartwright, please? T.O.: Could I have your name, please?
Mr S: I am Victor Smirnov from TST Systems. T.O.: , please. I‘ll find out if he is in.
T.O.: I‘m afraid Mr Cartwright is not in at the moment. Could I you‘re your phone number, Mr Smirnov? Mr Cartwright will call you back later.
Mr S.: Of course. Double five nine three six four two T.O.: And where are you phoning from?
Mr S.: From Moscow, Russia.
T.O.: Could you tell me the code for Moscow and Russia? Mr S.: oh oh seven four nine five
T.O.: Thank you, Mr Smirnov. Good bye.
Mr Cartwright: Hello. I speak to Mr Smirnov, please? Mr S.: Smirnov speaking…
Mr C.: This is John Cartwright from Continental Equipment speaking.
Mr S. Yes, Mr Cartwright. I am the new Commercial Director of TST Systems. I have a to inform you that we have carefully studied your materials and decided to accept your proposal.
Mr C.: Thank you, Mr Smirnov.
Mr S.: I am going to come to Brighton and discuss with you the main principles of our agreement .
Mr C.: When are you going to come?
Mr S.: On Wednesday, next week. My flight at Gatwick Airport at about 10 o‘clock, as far as I know.
Mr C.: Excellent, Mr Smirnov. We will meet you at the airport. See you next week.
Mr S.: Good-bye.

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Ответы на вопрос:

ответ:«Paradise» Hotel. Can I help you?

Good evening, madam. I would like to talk to Mr. and Mrs. Miller from Room 745.

Could you tell me your name, please?

Sure. My name is Henry Adams.

Thank you, Mr. Adams. One moment, please. Hold the line. I’ll put you through.

* * *

Hallo. Kelly Miller is speaking.

Hi, Kelly! How are you? It’s me, Henry. You are so difficult to get through to. First it took me ages to find out  the area code of the place where you are now. Then I tried to call you several times but the phone was disconnected, and then the line  was busy all the time.

Oh, hello, Henry! We are fine. So glad to hear your voice. Well, the local telephone lines were down here because of the heavy storm the day before yesterday. Can you hear me well now?

Yes, I can hear you quite well. What happened, darling? Is everything OK with both of you there?

Oh yes. Don’t worry, Henry. It just rained cats and dogs all over the seaside and the wind was too strong. It was really dangerous to stay outside.

I hope now the weather is calm and it will never happen again. How is Mark, by the way?

Mark? He was around a moment ago. Can you hold on a second? I shall see if he is in. … Sorry, I think he is out now. He has gone to the swimming pool.

That’s a pity. I was going to chat with him a little.

Sorry about that. Would you like to leave a message for him?

Well, just say hello to him and tell him that I terribly miss my best friend.

OK, darling. I’ll ask him to call you back later.

Thank you, Kelly. Well, take care. And have a wonderful holiday.


Pronouns - местоимения: iarticles - артикли: theverbs - глаголы: am abbreviated: b - be (verb), c - see (verb), u - you (pronoun)

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