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Выберите подходящие слова для завершения предложений.
1. You can often hear (applaud/applause) in this theater.
2. I've read two books this month - "The lost world" and "Matilda". In my opinion the (later/latter) was more interesting.
3. What do you think about his (further/father) steps?
4. This book is (priceless/pricy) for John as it influenced him a lot when he was a
little boy.
5. This film is very popular, I can say it's a real (comedy/flop).
6. This old book is (last/ the last) thing I read.
7. The artist died five years ago. This is his (last/latest) picture.
8. Films about space and UFO are (detective/a science fiction).
9. She said she (will/would) read the book later.
10. Use your (imaginations/impression) to speak about your future career.
11. When (children/child) go to the Zoo, they expect to see different animals.
12. And then to my horror I saw two (mouse/mice) running atong one of the walls.
13. My flat is number 3. I live in the (third/three) flat.
14. I'm sure my dog is the (clever/cleverer/cleverest/more clever/the most clever)
in my district.
15. It is much (hot/hotter/the hottest/more hot/the most hot) in Italy than in Russia.
16. I didn't think you were (interesting/interested) in ancient history.
17. He never stops talking and never says anything (interesting/interested)
18. The ( more interesting/most interesting/interestinges) of all cities I have ever

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. Applause
6.the last
10. Imaginations

Что вы собираетесь быть я собираюсь быть тем, что вы собираетесь быть что вы собираетесь быть   я собираюсь быть что вы собираетесь быть я `быть что `ы выведенными для меня.

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