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2 He/She
< (play)
computer games.
3 He/She
out a lot in the evenings.
4 He/She ne (do)
his/her homework every night.
5 He/She
a lot at the weekend.
6 He/She
breakfast television.
7 He/She
(go) to
bed very late.
8 He/She
every night.​

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1)She doesn't play computer games

2)She likes to go out a lot in the evenings

3) She doesn't do her homework every night, because she do it in the evenings.

4)she likes to study a lot in the evenings.

5)she likes watching breakfast television.

6)she doesn't go to bed very late.

7)she doesn't cook every night.


1) служащие заканчивают работу в шесть часов вечера. 

employees   finish their work at six in the evening.

2) я говорю сейчас по телефону.

  i am talking on the phone now.

3) что вы будете делать завтра в 10 утра?

what will you be doing tomorrow morning   at 10 ? 1) that firm is carrying on negotiations for the purchase of computers.эта фирма ведет переговоры о покупке компьютеров.

2) the steamer sails tomorrow.пароход отплывает завтра.

3) at present he is working with a big trade firm. в настоящее время он работает в большой торговой фирме.

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