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Task 1: Read the text about tsunami.
a series of waves in the ocean that create surges of water. These walls on
up to 100 feet high and cause widespread destruction when they reach shore.
the sea floor are the usual cause of tsunamis. When the ocean floor at a plate
water can reach up to 100 feet high and ca
Earthquakes on the sea floor are the usu
boundary raises or falls, it displaces water
Around 80 percent of tsunamis happen in the sou
is a volcanically active area were tectonic
landslides and volcanic eruptions can also su
caused by a meteorite crashing into the ocean. F
Warnings that allow people to evacuate areas near the ocean.
tsunamis happen in the so-called "Ring of Fire" in the Pacific Ocean. This
active area were tectonic plate shifts and earthquakes are common. Underwater
canic eruptions can also start tsunamis. In Earth's ancient past, tsunamis were
teorite crashing into the ocean. People's best defense against tsunamis is early
A nswer the questions.
1. How high can a tsunami be?
2. What most often causes tsunamis?
3. Where do most tsunamis occur?
4. What are two other ways tsunamis can be caused?
5. What is the best defense against tsunamis?​

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Ответы на вопрос:

Alaska is the most northern and, at the same time, the largest in the size of the territory occupied by the state of the united states, which has long been considered the tourist center of america. but for the domestic tourist of alaska - not only gold, fierce cold and grizzly, but also something close, native. the state includes the mainland and a large number of islands. washed by two oceans - the arctic and the pacific.by the way, it is alaska that is considered the edge, where the number of private planes per capita is the largest in the world. here you can not travel by car - only on air transport, because of the lack of roads leading to remote parts of the northern american state.in alaska, there are several different climatic zones - depending on the region. in the continental part of the state the climate is sharply subarctic.the best time to visit the northern state is from may to september.alaska is interesting with a large number of reserves, as well as national parks with a unique and unique fauna and flora.

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