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In 1893, the village consisted of 685 residents. there have already been built primary school, and the basis for the formation of the city's economy was a cargo pier. after that, it was decided to pave the great siberian way, which was bound to pass through these lands (krivoshchekovskaya settlement). villagers began to gradually move to the right bank. appeared terrifying name "devil's mound." note that history shows that the village used incredibly bad reputation, because we all knew that was posted here earlier mochigu village where the natives lived. it was believed that ghosts were guarding the area, but still, the villagers had nothing to do, and gradually they were fixed on this earth. after a while there was a name "krivoshchekovskaya settlement."  in 1893, it was in this place comes workers party, whose main task was considered the construction camp. it was decided that there will be formed settlement of bridge builders. it is this year and is considered the official formation of the modern city of novosibirsk. after the construction process begins construction of the railway station, and two villages, which stood nearby, will be gradually merged.  in 1903, the settlement received town status bezuezdnogo. area of ​​the village at that time was quite significant, and there were a lot of residents.  after nine years in the city appears formal primary education. note that the rapid development of the city and the maximum conversion was quite fredericks, who then received an honorary resident of the (first). but in 1917 he was deprived of this title.  in 1925, the board issued a new decision in siberia, which gave the city the name - novosibirsk (earlier called novonikolayevsk city). since the first industrial center and the creation of the village bridge builders took a long time, today novosibirsk - a thriving and modern city, which is home to an incredible number of people.

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