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Language & Grammar Review
Choose the correct answer.
1 James and Lilly ....., to go to the shops tomorrow.
A is going B are going C going
2 During carnival, children ...... their faces.
A crown B paint C watch
3 Can I have ...... tomatoes, please?
A too many B a little ca few
4 Julie ...... the car at the moment,
A drives B is driving C are driving
5 You can see sharks in the ......
A court B aquarium C market
6 A: Are you calling from your mobile phone?
B: Yes, 1.
A do
B have
7 I can't walk in high .......
A trainers B heels C shoes
8 You ... visit the museum today. It's closed on
A mustn't B can't C can
9 People eat fried insects as a ...... in Thailand.
A delicacy B souvenir C bargain
10 You can find ....... furniture at the antiques shop.
A delicious B typical C second-hand
16 A: Do you feel like going to the cinema?
B: A OK, why not?
B Thank you.
C Here you are
17 Don't worry, we have ..... of orange juice in the
A lot
B much C lots
18 There are a lot of ...... selling fruit
A dishes B courts C stalls
19 This skirt is half -.---.. Buy it.
A order B bargain C price
20 Eric usually ....... to school by bus.
A travels B catches C takes
21 There are a lot of things to .....from.
A take B choose C Follow
22 It's raining. Put on your .......
A shorts B sandals C boots
23 You ...... visit that shop in the evening. It's open
A can B mustn't C can't
24 Jenny's skirt ...... the colour of her eyes.
A looks
B fits
C matches
25 Who - for?
A are you waiting
B you wait
C you are waiting
26 A: How can I help you?
B: A I want a hamburger. B No, you can't
C Of course.
27 Temperatures ......to -5°C at night.
A hold Breach C drop
28 You need a map in case you get .......
A cold B lost C dark
29 Temperatures are ...... in winter.
A foggy Brainy C low
30 A: How about this T-shirt?
B: A Good idea.
B They're too small.
C I'm going to go shopping.
11 Let's watch the fireworks .......
A ride B display C parade
12 A: Anything to drink?
B: A A cola, please. Thank you. Bye.
C It's £1.50.
13 It's ....... cold today.
A boiling B freezing Craining
14 It's difficult for plants to ...... in cold weather.
A stay B reach C survive
15 This is Julie's scarf. Give it to ........
A hers B she Cher

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Ответы на вопрос:

Iam taking fotos. she is doing her hometask. they are looking for bike. she isn't cutting meat. he isn't doing test.

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