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В сериале крепостная Рассказывается про жизни восемнадцатилетний девушки Екатерины С рождения она была крепостной но воспитывалась как настоящая придворная дама . Катерина получила образование ,но самого главного у Кати не было свободы. Однажды в жизни Кати появляется красивый дворянин Алексей. С первого же взгляда она в него влюбилась. Но к сожалению Алексей умер. После этого у Катерины начались проблемы. В этом сериале Показывается два мира Бедный и богатый. Это мелодрама В Которой главные герои Катя Ковальчук,Алексей Яровенко , Ольга Сумская, Марк Дробот, Олеся Жураковская, Станислав Боклан .Режисёр мелодрамы Феликс Герчиков . Это очень интересный сериал как и для подростков так и для взрослых, очень завораживает и впечатляет нужно перевести на английский

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In the series, the serf tells the story of the life of an eighteen-year-old girl Catherine. From birth, she was a serf but was brought up as a real court lady. Katerina was educated, but the most important thing for Katya was not freedom. Once in the life of Katya, a beautiful nobleman Alexei appears. At first glance, she fell in love with him. But unfortunately Alexey died. After that, Katerina started having problems. In this series two worlds are shown. The poor and the rich. This is a melodrama In which the main characters Katya Kovalchuk, Alexei Yarovenko, Olga Sumskaya, Mark Drobot, Olesya Zhurakovskaya, Stanislav Boklan. The director of the melodrama is Felix Gerchikov. This is a very interesting series for both teenagers and adults, very mesmerizing and impressive!

In the series serf Tells about the life of an eighteen-year-old girl Catherine from birth she was a serf but was raised as a real court lady . Katerina received an education ,but the most important thing for Katia was not freedom. Once in Katia's life, a handsome nobleman, Alexey, appears. At first sight, she fell in love with him. But, unfortunately, Alex died. After that, Katerina started having problems. This series Shows two worlds the Poor and the rich. This is a melodrama in which the main characters are Katya Kovalchuk, Alexey Yarovenko, Olga Sumskaya, mark Drobot, Olesya Zhurakovskaya, Stanislav Boklan .Melodrama directed by Felix Gerchikov . This is a very interesting series for both teenagers and adults, very

A,an,some, answers 1.  i want some juice. 2.  there´s some meat in the dish. 3.  has she got a map? 4.  have you got any money? 5.  he needs a snack. 6.  it´s an italian pizza. 7.  we use any in negative sentences and questions in all nouns. 8.  we use some in affirmative sentences with all nouns. 9.  we use a , an or numbers with countable nouns. 10.  there are some mosquitoes in my bedroom. 11.  there wasn´t any litter on the beach. 12.  there are some sandwiches on my party. 13.  she eats some bananas for breakfast. 14.  she drinks some milk with her cereal. 15.  can i have some cookies? 16.  a dog will bite if it´s afraid. 17.  are there any good books in the library? 18.  there wasn´t any space in the cupboard. 19.  there isn´t a pencil in the drawer. 20.  there is a pencil in my bag. 21.  there is some rice left. 22.  there isn´t any time left. 23.  there´s some ice cream in the freezer. 24.  there´s a rainbow in the sky. 25.   the doctor gives jane an injection. "much", "many" or "a lot of"answers 1.   we´ve got much rice. 2.   there isn´t a lot of rice. 3.   my sister eats many sweets. 4.   there aren´t many vegetarians in my school. 5.   there aren´t a lot of vegetables. 6.   i don´t drink much juice. 7.   there was a lot of traffic. 8.   in antarctica there isn´t much traffic. 9.   there is much rain in august. 10.   does the teacher give much homework? 11.   there´s a lot of fruit in the bowl. 12.   a lot of people like hamburgers. 13.   we went to america many years ago. 14.   there are a lot of people on the beach. 15.   i haven´t got any clothes. 16.   there isn´t any sunscreen in this bottle. 17.   there are many children in the park. 18.   there aren´t any restaurants in my town. 19.   i haven´t got any homework today. 20.   how many brothers have you got? 21.   how many cousins have you got? 22.how much money is there in your bag? 23.   how many cds have you got? 24.   there isn´t any pollution in sweden. 25.   there isn´t any noise in antarctica. much", "many", "few", "little", "a few", "a little", "some"answers1. few people came to see the play. it was rather sad.2. come on! we've still got a little time left to finish this.3. daniel gave very few reasons for closing down the bar.4. with time and little patience, you'll forget her and be happy again.5. he's not a good teacher. he's unimaginative and has very little patience with children.6. a few of that group's songs are excellent but i don't really like most of their music.7. i've been to that asturian restaurant a few times. it's good.8. few people never learn how to dance properly. it's such a shame.9. very few people went to see that film. i don't know why. it's excellent.10. i have little time for people who talk about themselves all the time and never listen to anyone else.11. i normally have a little red wine with my lunch. it's good for you.12. dress the salad with salt, pepper and little olive oil.13. i've got 20 euros and a few coins. that should be enough for tonight.14. his computer needs cleaning. he takes very little care of it. 

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