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Ответы на вопрос:

цены кухня к тебе отписал с его вы сможете составить список форумов и не брежно меня

my favorite sport

my favourite sport is karate, which is one of the oriental martial arts. karate is a popular sport in the world because it improves self-confidence and self-discipline, memory and attention. besides, karate teaches us self-defence, respect, self-control and patience.

i learnt about karate from films where fearless main characters fought enemies without any weapon. when i was nine, i started practising karate. since that time i have been training twice a week in our local sports centre. the lessons are physically hard but i enjoy them. our sensei teaches us patiently and inspires us to become better people. i have already participated in a few competitions.

i am glad that i chose karate because it gives me so much: i have become more patient and physically stronger.

Популярно: Английский язык