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Put the verbs into the correct form (Past Simple or Past Perfect Continuous).

1) I
(wait) for three hours so I was really glad when the bus finally
2) Why
(be) the baby's face so dirty? She
(eat) chocolate.
3) I
(see) Vanya yesterday, but he
(run) so he was too tired to chat.
4) It
(rain) and the road
(be) covered with puddles.
5) When I
(arrive) it was clear she
(work). There were disks all over the table and books everywhere.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) I had been waiting for three hours, so I was really glad when the bus finally arrived.  

2) Why was the baby's face so dirty? She had been eating chocolate.  

3) I saw Vanya yesterday, but he had been running, so he was too tired to chat.  

4) It had been raining, and the road was covered with puddles.  

5) When I arrived, it was clear she had been working. There were disks all over the table and books everywhere.



1.in the 13th century, artists began to use perspective.

2.they looked flat and out of proportion.

3.the artist uses perspective to create two dimensional.

4.through the drawing


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