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There are two main kinds of buses in London: the red double-decker and the red single-decker. There are a large number of routes in London. The main places the bus goes to are shown on the front of the bus. Some double-deckers in London have automatic doors, and yoи рay the driver when you go in. On the single-deckers you buy your ticket from a machine in the bus.These buses travel between the main stations and stop at fewer stops than the double-deckers. But most London buses have a conductor, who will come round and collect fares. Double-deckers have seats for 65 people. Only five people are allowed to stand when the seats are full. So the conductor may stop you getting on the bus if there are five passangers already standing. You can get a bus map of London at most underground stations. This map shows the routes for all the buses. But you will have to find the bus stop yourself. And remember to look for the number of the bus on the post at the bus stop. You must do so because in a busy street there may be four of five bus stops close together.​

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Фильм не , но текст без ошибок. учитель проверял. review timless. ruby book (2013), directed by tom blimger, robert marsin'ak, felix fukshtajner. it's a fantasy comedy film. the main stars are: maria ehrich, janis nivener, uwe kokish, veronica feries.  16-year-old girl gwendolyn shepherd, living in london was the bearer of rare gene the time travel. but she don't know about that, because   she and other people thought that her cousin sharlotta was the bearer of a rare gene "rubin".gwendolyn beginning her adventure in the past together with the same travel gideon de wheeler.     he's symbol was "diamond". i think film is great. also there are good special effects. i like music in this film it's amazing. the story was very interesting, but i prefer films like "now you see me". also the action is good as well. the seance about her first travel in the time was great. i really like "timless. ruby book."   don't miss it!

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