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2 Complete the questions and answers.
1 your teacher ask you to write a poem?
Yes, he did.
2 Did do your homework yesterday?
3 he answer the question?
No didn't
4 read any books last week?
Yes she
5 you enjoy reading Oliver Twist?
Yes .
6 time you get home yesterday?
home at four thirty
7 _ he go last weekend?
He to the cinema.
8 - meet yesterday?
1_my sister.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Now we can't imagine our life without sport. sport is  all usually forms of  competitive  physical activity   or  games. people do sports because they want to live longer and better, also they want to keep themselves fit and be healthier. i think it's the best way to spend your free time and to have a rest. but there are many kinds of sport that are dangerous such as base jumping, cave diving, bull riding.  you can hurt youself that is why you  must always be careful!   in conclusion i would like to say that sport can be helpful and can be harmful, but in general it's very fun.

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