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O buy bolgoing) a report to
1. I am planning ... (to visit/visiting) my granny next week. (Я планирую навестить бабулю на
следующей неделе.)
2. When they finish ... (to eat/eating) their lunch, thеу'll go to the office. (Когда они закончат
обедать, они отправятся в офис.)
3. He suggested ... (to buy/buying) some fооd. (Он предложил купить немно продуктов.)
4. Does Sаllу еnjоу ... (to golgoing) to the gym? (Сэлли нравится ходить в тренажерный зал?)
5. Don't put off ... (to write/writing) a report till the end of the month. (Не откладывай написание
доклада до конца месяца.)
6. John refused ... (to answerlanswering) my question. (Джон отказался отвечать на мой во Мой брат намеревается скоро жениться.)
8. I think she didn't mean ... (to hurt/hurting) you. (Думаю, она не хотела обидеть тебя.)
9. Kеер ... (to beat/beating) thе eggs. (Продолжай взбивать яйца.)
10. Fred can't afford ... (to travel/travelling) this year. (Фред не может себе позволить в этом году
11. We expect ... (to leave/leaving) tomorrow. (Мы собираемся уехать завтра.)
12. Mary decided ... (to fly/flying) to Venice. (Мэри решила полететь в Венецию.)
13. The sportsmen hope ... (to get/getting) the best results. (Спортсмены надеются добиться
лучших результатов.)
14. Are you going to give up ... (to ѕmоkеlѕmоking)? (Ты собираешься бросать курить?)
15. Thеу dоn't want ... (to have/having) any more children. (Они больше не хотят иметь детей.)
16. I don't mind ... (to wаsh up/wаѕhing up). (Я не против того, чтобы помыть госуду.)
17. Girls, stop ... (to giggle/giggling). (Девочки, перестаньте хихикать.)
18. Ben likes ... (to play/playing) chess. (Бен любит играть в шахматы.)
19. Lara gоеѕ ... (to danceldancing) every weekend. (Лара ходит на танцы каждые выходные.)
20. Harry can't stand ... (to work/working) on Saturdays. (Гарри не выносит работы по субботам. )

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Ответы на вопрос:

A. 1. there was no  flooding in this region two years ago. 2. there will  be no  storm. 3. there will be no interesting football match on television on sunday. 4. there is no big tree in the garden. 5. there is no train at 10 o'clock. образец: there are seven exercises in the lesson. there are not seven exercises in the lesson. b. 1. there are not five foreign students in our group. 2. there are  not  two new bus lines in our town. 3. there were not two large parks a year ago. 4. there are not three farms here. 5. there are not two big trees in the garden. 6. there are not many cars in the street. 7. there are not many people in the club. 8. there are not 300 rooms in the hotel. 9. five years ago there were not 600 children at this school.

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