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Let's write a very simple story in Past Simple!
1) There
.......... house
2) Near the house there.......
a garden
3) There.......
many flowers in the garden.
4) There........
a tree behind the house.
5) It .........
tall and beautiful.
6) There........
four people in the house.
7) There......
v a mother, a father and two childre
8) The boy.......
9) He......ten
10) The girl ......

11) She....eight
12) There......
a cat
13) It.....
very fat
14) It......
very nice family
15) They.......
very happy to live in that house
Нужно вставить вместо точек У меня олимпиада!!!

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1) There was a house. 2) Near the house, there was a garden.

3) There were many flowers in the garden.  

4) There was a tree behind the house.  

5) It was tall and beautiful.  

6) There were four people in the house.  

7) There was a mother, a father, and two children.

8) The boy's name was Ben.

9) He was ten.

10) The girl's name was Kate.  

11) She was eight.

12) There was a cat.  

13) It was very fat.

14) It was a very nice family.

15) They were very happy to live in that house.



in the summer we went to turkey. it was especially hot there this summer. coolness occurred only in the hotel and the sea. mom again typed a lot of fridge magnets. once, my mother blew off a panama hat by the wind and we all of her family caught it all over the beach. ice cream ate a year ahead. i hope we will go to turkey next summer.


летом мы ездили в турцию. этим летом там было особенно жарко. прохлада наступала только в отеле и море. мама опять набрала много магнитов на холодильник. как-то раз у мамы ветром сдуло панамку и мы всей семьёй её ловили по всему пляжу. мороженного наелись на год вперёд. надеюсь мы в на следующие лето поедим в турцию.

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