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Какие города/страны мб на рисунке?
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Ответы на вопрос:

Что за рисунок?????????

1. if you have news, call me back. some - утверд. предложение

2. she helped me borrow more money.  some - утверд. предложение

3.there is hardly place in this house where we can talk alone. any  - в значении "какое-нибудь"

4. boy at the school had ever taken a scholarship to the uni¬versity.  no - отрицательн. предложение

5. it meant real hardship to my mother unless i earned money at once.some - утверд. предложение

6. my mother hoped that perhaps the school had funds to give me a grant.  some - утверд. предложение

7.it was unlikely that of the guests would take particular notice of it. nobody  - отрицательн. предложение

8. they understood each other without words.  any - в значении "любой"

9. "let's go back home. it's already late." "i'd rather stay out a little longer." "i suppose we've got to go home time." any - в значении в любое время

10.there isn't boot-polish in this tin.  any  - отрицательн. предложение

11. you have fine flowers in your garden.  some - утверд. предложение

12.go and ask him for more paper. some - утверд. предложение

i haven't in my desk.  any paper - отрицательн. предложение

13. later we had tea.  some - утверд. предложение

14. he wants more pudding. you can take it away.  some - утверд. предложение

15. there are matches left.  no - отрицательн. предложение

we must buy   some - утверд. предложение

16. i wouldn't go to his concert. he isn't a good   pianist. 

17 time ago i read his story in a magazine.  some - утверд. предложение

18. i don't think there is milk left in the jug.  any  - отрицательн. предложение

19. student can answer the question.  no - отрицательн. предложение

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