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Use to be, there + be or to have in the correct form:
1. In most countries ____ only one legal profession.
2. This means that all lawyers ____ roughly the same professional education leading to the same legal qualification.
3. In England the system ______ different.
4. Solicitors and barristers ______ both qualified lawyers, but they ______ a different legal training, and once they ______ qualified they usually do different types of legal work.
5. This ______ why it is said that ______ two “branches” of the legal profession.
6. English lawyers ______ either solicitors or barristers.
7. They cannot ______ both at the same time, but it ______ possible for a solicitor to become a barrister and for a barrister to become a solicitor.
8. Legal executives ______ no rights of audience, but can appear in front of a judge on uncontested matters.
9. The legal profession as such ______ never been popular.
10. Indeed, the first thing revolutionaries usually do on seizing power ______ to overthrow the legal system, blaming it for all ills.
11. ______ rules of behaviour, codes of professional conduct, which provide that when lawyers ______ in court they must always ______ courteous to one another.
12. Many people who ______ legal problems ______ worried about going to a solicitor for advice because of legal fees they ______ to pay.

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Так я переведу вопросы
1)Веришь ли ты в супергероев?
2)кто твой любимый супергерой(м.р)? Почему?
3)Кто твой любимый супергерой (ж.р)? Почему?
4)Как ты думаешь,нужны ли людям супергерои?
5)Хочешь ли ты стать супергероем? Почему?

ли ты обычно людям? (Я хз как писать ;*)
Что ты делаешь чтобы людям?
Как часто ты кому либо?
Кому ты обычно ?
Почему ты думаешь что нужно кому либо?

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