20.03.2023 15:44
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The Man of Steel
Abueno etun redboots anda
one found red cope all strong invindole
smart ustaster than a speeding buller
More powerful than a tan Able to leap tom
cuilding to building in a single bound thats
eman our most tavourite superhero
Superman was born in 1932 His real
parents were high school students Jeny
Segel and Joe Shuster from Cleveland Ohio
Jelly and Joe were rather shy and unpopular
at school so they made up a superhero to live
a life of fantasy through him!
As the story goes Superman came from
dying planet Krypton. His parents sent him to
Earth in a rocket in order to save him. The
rocket landed in Kansas near a town called
Smallville. A couple of farmers found the boy,
adopted him and named him Clark. As Clark
grew older, he gained strength from the Sun.
By the time he was an adult he was able to fly,
fire heat vision from his eyes and see through
walls. From that point, he was Superman,
main is a symbol of the American как читать? на русском Английскими буквами? ​

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