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Напишите описание к картинке с девушкой по этому плану:Описание картинки.

1. Вступление: I’d like to describe picture № ….. The picture shows….

2. Place: I suppose it is a/he(she) is in……

In the background I can see…..

3. Action: In the foreground there is/there are/I can see……

Использовать Present continuous: am, is, are +Ving

4. The person’s appearance: he/she is…., he/she has got…., he/she is wearing…..

5. Whether you like the picture or not + 6. Why

I like the picture because…..

6. Заключение: That’s all that I wanted to say.

In the picture/photo!!!

1. I’d like to describe picture № 1. The picture shows a girl.

2. I suppose, she is in the classroom. In the background, I can see a blackboard and a piece of white chalk on it.

3. In the foreground, there is a girl. She is sitting at the table. She’s writing something in the notebook. Or maybe she’s drawing something. She’s smiling.

4. The girl in the picture is about 7 years old. She’s pretty. She has got fair hair which she’s wearing in a bun. She has got an oval face. She’s wearing a white blouse and a checked sundress.

5. I like the picture because the girl is very nice. She looks like my little sister.

6. That’s all that

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. i (am making) a report at the seminar on monday. have you (made) your report yet? 2. i (passed) my english exam last week. 3. when we came the train (had already left). 4. he (has read) a lot and (knows) a lot. 5. normally i (have breakfast) at 8 in the morning. 6. what are you (speaking) about?

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