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1. Sally doesn’t mind ____ early. (get up)
2. She is looking forward to _____ to college) (go)
3. How are you planning_____the weekend? (spend)
4. Which subject do you enjoy____most? (study)
5. John needs____for the maths test. (revise)
6. Have you managed_____your science homework? (finish)
7. Joe is very good at_____. (swim)
8. Billy’s mother helped him_____his art project. (complete)

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 getting up

2 going

3 to spend

4 studying

5 to revise

6 to finish

7 swimming

8 to complete


have you ever done tricks for sick children?

i have just watered the flowers.

maggie hasn't sewed soft toys for poor children this year.

mary and kate have helped elderly people for two years.

the paths are clean. i have sweeped them.

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