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10. Перепишите и переведите предложения, содержащие инфинитив. Выпишите инфинитивы и определите их функцию в предложениях:
1) He advised us to look through the article.
2) We have no intention to order these fabrics.
3) The function of this device was to compute all these quantities.
4) To smoke is harmful.
5) They gave the programmers 48 hours to re-write a message on the website.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Если  я правильно поняла,вам нужно вот так: 1. is my sister in the forest? my sister in the forest,isn't she? is my sister in the forest or in the swimming pool? where is my sister? who is in the forest? 2.can rabbits fly? rabbits can fly aren't they? can rabbits fly or jump? what can rabbits? who can fly? 3. has john got a dog? john has got a dog isn't he? has john got a dog or a cat? what has john got? who has got a dog? 4.have they got black cats? they have got black cats aren't they? have they got black or red cats?   what have they got? who have a black cats? 5.  are his  brothers in the forest? his brothers are in the forest aren't they? are his brothers or sisters in the forest? where are his brothers? who  are in the forest?

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