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In pairs, ask nd answer alternative questions about tracy's house.
Hi, my name is Tracy.
(1) The RAP has asked their readers to write about their homes. Well, I live in a detached house in Bristol.
(2) In our house there are three rooms downstairs and three rooms upstairs. The three rooms upstairs are all bedrooms. Our living room is downstairs.
There is a sofa and an armchair in the living room. There is also a table with three chairs, a TV set, a DVD player and a video recorder there.
(3) Most houses have a bathroom upstairs, but ours is downstairs. In the bathroom there is a toilet and a shower. Some houses have a bathtub, not a shower.
(4) If you come into my house through the back door, you will find yourself in the kitchen. In our kitchen there is a fridge. There is a freezer under the fridge. We have cupboards for food and for plates. There is an electric cooker. We don’t have a microwave and we cannot cook our food quickly. There is a washing machine which Mum uses for doing laundry. We don’t have a dishwasher and I help my Mum with washing up in the sink.
(5) To the rear of the house there is a back yard where our playground is.
I can ride my bicycle there, too. In front of the house there is a lawn with beds of roses. It’s very pretty. There are two benches to sit on. I love the place and enjoy reading a book there!

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Коммуникация в ближайшем будущем мы сможем общаться на любом выбранном нами языке. ряд компаний работают на переводческих машинах, использующих голосовые частоты динамика. это делает его звук, как thoungh пользователь, говорящий на иностранном языке. у нас уже есть переводческие машины, но они медленные и неточные, и они звучат как роботы. всего через год или два эта новая машина, которая будет гарнитурой, может выйти на рынок и позволить нам говорить на каждом языке под солнцем.

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