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Вставьте глагол to be в Past Simple.
My aunt … very depressed last Sunday. The weather … terrible. It …cold and rainy. Her husband … not at home. He …at hospital because he …sick. Her children …not at school. They…not in the yard, they…in the living room. The TV … broken. The children … not only upset, they…very angry. The neighbours … not happy because her children…too noisy.
The house…not clean. The sink …broken. There … dirty dishes on the kitchen yable and in the sink. There …nothing in the fridge. There …no vegetables for dinner, there … no juice for her children. There …not even bread in the house! She …tired and hungry. She …just exhausted.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. might

2. can't (у тебя неправильная формулировка этого предложения в принципе, что бы тут не поставить)

3. must

4. must

5. must

6. can't

7. might

8. might

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