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Я живу в доме. Мне очень нравится мой дом. он небольшой, я но и не маленький. Когда вы входите в дом, то вы видите маленькую кухню. на кухне мы готовим еду и едим. я очень много времени провожу на кухне, Потому что я люблю поесть следующая комната это прихожая. в прихожей стоит большой шкаф на всю стену. там нет окон. через прихожую мы заходим в другие комнаты. наш зал очень большой. там стоит большой диван. зал очень светлый потому что там много окон. в зале много разных цветов. к комната моих родителей и сестры тоже большая. к комнате висит большой телевизор, он висит над большой мягкой кроватью и справа от кровати стоит тумбочка. к а во второй половине комнаты стоит диван моей сестры. моя комната самая маленькая. мне это даже нравится. к моей комнате стоит раздвижной диван, стол и висит телевизор. вокруг дома есть двор. к Моя мама любит выращивать цветы. у нас на дворе есть баня. а ещё у нас есть пёс который живет в будке, которую построил папа. У нас есть гараж для машины и инструментов моего отца. Мы также храним там наши вещи ПОЖВЛУЙСТА!!​

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4,4(8 оценок)

I live in a house. I really like my house. It's small, but I'm not small either. When you enter the house, you can see a small kitchen. In the kitchen, we cook and eat. I spend a lot of time in the kitchen Because I like to eat.  the next room is the hallway. in the hallway there is a large closet on the entire wall. there are no Windows. we go through the hall to the other rooms. our hall is very large. there is a large sofa. the hall is very bright because there are many Windows. there are many different colors in the hall. my parents ' and sister's room is very large. They have one room. There is a large TV hanging there, it is located above the bed and there is a bedside table to the right of the bed. In the second half of the room is my sister's sofa. my room is the smallest. I even like it. my room has a pull-out sofa, a table, and a TV. there is a courtyard around the house. "My mother likes to grow flowers. we have a sauna in our yard. and we also have a dog that lives in a booth that dad built. We have a garage for my father's car and tools. We also store our things there.

4,4(38 оценок)

Привет очень сложно бяло моему перекладачу но справился )))хахаха

I live at home. I really like my house. it is small, but I am not small either. When you enter the house, you see a small kitchen. in the kitchen we cook and eat. I spend a lot of time in the kitchen, because I like to eat. The next room is the entrance hall. in the hallway there is a large closet over the entire wall. there are no windows. through the hallway we go into other rooms. our room is very large. there is a large sofa. the hall is very bright because there are many windows. there are many different colors in the room. The room of my parents and sister is also large. a large TV hangs to the room, it hangs above a large soft bed and there is a bedside table to the right of the bed. and in the second half of the room is my sister’s sofa. my room is the smallest. I even like it. To my room there is an extendable sofa, a table and a TV. there is a yard around the house. My mother loves to grow flowers. we have a bathhouse in our yard. and we also have a dog that lives in a booth that dad built. We have a garage for my father’s car and tools. We also store our things there.

4,4(98 оценок)




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