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Fruit, a biscuit, rice, butter, bacon and eggs, cereal, honey, toast, a roll, vegetables, crisps, sugar. I've got a temperature, runny nose, sorethroat, cough, cold. Как правильно произносить

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60. all the shirts you have sent your father fit him perfectly so far. 61 although i have studied (have been studying) french for years i have difficulties in speaking the language. 62. john whose grades are the highest in the school has received a scholarship. 63. yesterday we hadsupper with the neighbours of ours. 64. some years ago i cameacross this photo in an old magazine. 65. we have not given him a thing to eat since he arrived. 66. jerry has failed his exams. he'll have to take them again. 67. it's ages since i last have seen a decent comedy film on television. 68. we understood that it wasjust a slip of the tongue. 69. havethe police foundthe bomb yet? 70. when i wentto book a ticket to athens, i foundthat the flight wasfull. 71. i'm not disappointed with today's result. after all we have won ten matches already this season. 72. i havenever doneanything like it before. we'll have to start from scratch. 73. my computer has broken down again. it's time for me to buy a new word processor. 74. i can't afford a holiday abroad until i have paid back all my debts. 75. they always broughtflowers when they came to visit me. 76. the butcher cutsome steak, wrappedit up and handed it to me. 77. since the baby wasborn, they have hada lot of sleepless nights. 78. i'm sorry for her. she has had bad luck all her life. 79. jack has climbed quite a number of mountains but he hasnever been to everest. 80. haveyou seenmy gloves, by any chance? 81. has he givenup smoking yet? when didhe doit? 82. what's up? haveyou hurtyour ankle? how didyou do it?

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