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Прочитайте абзац. Выпишите из него причастия
(Participle II) в роли определения и как часть глагольного времени.
But at the majority of pulp and paper mills bark is removed. After barking (in
the mechanical process) the grinding stones grind logs in large quantities of
water and reduce the logs to fibrous state. The composition of the mechanical
pulp (groundwood) is practically identical with that of the wood. Groundwood
made from fresh wood is of light yellow colour. One disadvantage of
groundwood pulping is that the grinding of fibers weakens them. The pulp
produced by the mechanical process is inferior to that produced by the chemical
process: it is used in making those kinds of paper where the highest quality is
not demanded and the price is principal consideration.

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Ответы на вопрос:

7. Read the text again. Are the statements true or false? Correct the false statements.

1) The train pushers' job is a full-time job. False. It's a part-time job.

2) Trains are crowded in the morning and in the evening. True

3) People hire stand-in-liners not to waste their time waiting in queues. True

4) Not everybody can work as an ice cream taster. True

5) Ice cream tasters work themselves. False. They work for large ice- cream   corporations.

8. Match the highlighted words in the texts with their definitions:

1) crowded - (adj.) very full of people (многолюдный, переполненный)

2) flavors - (n.) the taste of a particular type of food or drink (вкусовые оттенки)

3) evaluate - (v.) to consider or study something carefully and decide how good or bad it is (оценивать)

4) consistency - (n.) how thick or smooth a liquid is (консистенция)

5) hire - (v.) to begin to employ someone (нанимать)

6) texture (n.) the way food or drink tastes or feels in your mouth (текстура)

7) rush hours (n.) the time when a lot of people are travelling to or from work and so roads and trains are very busy (часы пик)

8) degree - (n.) a qualification given for completing a university course (степень)

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