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Exercise 3. Insert the proper word into the sentence:

An emergency is a situation which threatens by serious (разрушение) to life.

Emergency planning is the way (уменьшение) threats.

One of emergency management steps is (установление) and classification of all threats.

The usual emergency threats are (пожар и наводнение).

The other threat can be (поломка) of equipment and (нарушение) of security.

Evacuation plan makes the staff know the alarms and how (справляться с бедствием).

Training implies (репетиция) of emergency procedures.

The recovery period starts after (последствия) of the incident are known.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. was bernard to 2. didn't arrive on time 3 i sent some 4. watching a tv programme

Популярно: Английский язык