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Choose the correct word.

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Ответы на вопрос:

ответ: сорян чувак я не знаю сам как не будь разберись.


1.there is book the shelf. 2.there are some flowers   the vase. 3.there is a ball the table. 4.there were some chairs /next to  the blackboard. 5.the armchair is front of the tvset. 6.there is a fridge   the stove and the sink. 7.the letters are often written him /in  a pencil. 8.the holidays will begin a week. 9.sometimes lectures are not attended him. 10.i am walking /along the street. 11.i go the college every day. 12.the people are walking /through the smog. 13.the girl is walking /across the road. 14.we are coming the room. 15. that moment he saw her.16. the text was being translated /during the lesson. 17.he was born the 5-th of march. 18.there are many flowers the window sill. 19.there is a shop /next to the college. 20.there is a lamp the table.

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