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1 Read the text and for each question, choose the correct answer, A, B or C.
Everyone has stories from their (1)_. Some stories are about (2)___ghosts and other
stories are about (3) adventures. My story is about a birthday party we had for my little
brother. Because we had a big garden, we decided to have his party (4)_. We decorated
the garden with lights and big balloons and when the guests (5) __, they said it looked
(6) Everyone was having a good time but I started to feel very (7) ____. I couldn't find
my brother! Suddenly, we heard a (8) __scream. We looked up and there, in the tree, was
my little brother
1 A distance B childhood C strange
2 A unfortunately B frightening C worried
3 A cheap
B amazed C exciting
4 A excited
B reply
C outdoors
5 A arrived Bordered C tidied up
6 A popular B excited C amazing
7 A notice
B worried C unfortunately
8 A terrible B interested C cheap
8 marks
her party

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. 1) is 2) does 3) does 4) is 5) are 6) is 7) does 8) does 9) are 10) is 11) do 12) do 13) is 14) has 15) have *upd* - перевод 1) в каких предметах ты разбераешься? 2) имеет ли твой брат камеру? 3) любит ли твоя мама готовить? 4) на каком этаже твоя комната? 5) твои родители сейчас во франиции? 6) где ближайщий магазин книг? 7) у твоего друга есть хоть немного денег? 8) где твой дядя работает? 9) какой спорт им нравятся? 10)  какая сегодня погода? 11) на каких языках ты можешь говорить? 12) тебе нравится научная фантастика? 13) какая твоя любимая поп-группа 14) что за велосипед у нее? 15) сколько яблоков ты имеешь?

Популярно: Английский язык