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Exercise IV Use the Present Simple or the Future Simple instead of the infinitives in brackets. 1.I (sweat to work) any more today; I (to stay) with you. 2. Now I (to tell) you a secretif you (to promise) not to tell anyone. 3. Of course it can't last, but when it (to come) to an end it (to be) a wonderful experience for him. It really (to make) a man of him. 4. When you (to be) in the sanatorium it (not to seem) so bad, I (to be) sure. 5. In a minute I (to join) you, my friend. 6. You don't think it (to rain), do you? 7. I (to think) of you day and night. 8. You (to stay) in Rome long? 9. Why, we (to work) all night and (to finish) everything tomorrow. 10. I think we (to leave) for Paris sooner than we thought. 11.l ehpect we (to see) a lot of each other. 12. She knows that if she (to come) she (to have) a chance of a happier life than she has had. 13. If you (to mention) her name again, I (to be) very angry with you. 14. It (not to be) so long till we (to be) together and then it (not to be) so hard for him. Помогите​

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Ответы на вопрос:

пекари, купить, аптеки, комиксы, овощи, журнал, медицина, газетные киоски, продать, шампунь, мыло, супермаркет, магазин игрушек


бакерс,бай, у меня букв не работают на клавеаатуре,дальше сам разберешься  

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