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A) to take smb / smth quickly and suddenly
1 a fiddle
b) to hold the skin, fur or clothes at the
2 to lure
back of their neck
3 to creep
c) a large bag made of strong cloth
4 to reply
d) to answer smb by saying or writing smth
5 by the scruff e) to move in a quiet, careful way
of the neck f) a violin
6 to overtake g) to trick smb to do smth wrong by prom-
7 a sack
ising a reward
8 a pot
h) to go quicker than another one and move
9 to rap
ahead of it
10 to whisk
i) a container for cooking
j) to hit smth quickly and lightly
Тут потрібно дібрати про який придмет або річ розповідається. ПАЖАЛУСТА ПОМОЖІТЬ!!!!!!!!!!!!​

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Ответы на вопрос:

Перевод: Привет! Я Джинни и мне 13 лет. Я хожу в школу в нашем городе

Популярно: Английский язык