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The monster family 13

Yes or No?
1 Sally is Jane's daughter
2 John is Daisy's grandson.
3 Daisy's daughter is Paul's granddaughter.
4 John's uncle is Mary's son.
5 Jill's parents are Sally's uncle and aunt.
6 Sally has got two cousins.
7 Sally's grandparents are Peter's parents.
8 Mary's grandson is Jane's son.
9 Jone's parents are Jill's grandparents.
10 John's uncle and aunt are Sally's parents.
Il Daisy and Peter have got two daughters.
12 Paul and Mary have got a son.
13 Paul and Mary have got a grandson.
14 Sally's cousins have got an aunt.
15 Jane's father is Peter's uncle.​

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yes 1, 4,5,8,9 14 15. no 2,3,6,7,10,11,12,13

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