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Put the sentences in the right order.
part 1
1.marley's ghost was wearing a long and heavy chain. 2. suddenly, a young and cheerful voice cried, "merry christmas, uncle! " 3. as soon as scrooge walked out, bob cratchit closed the office and ran home. 4. "i wear the chain i made in life link by link." 5. scrooge went straight to bed, and fell asleep at once. 6. he was sitting alone before his small fire when he heard his doorbell ring. 7. it was christmas eve.
part 2
1. then the ghost took scrooge to bob cratchit's poor house. 2. on the next day scrooge had three visitors. 3. the ghost showed
scrooge his nephew's home too. 4. scrooge gave him a lot of money. 5. "i will always remember this lesson." 6. suddenly the ghost disappeared and scrooge was in his room again. 7. with the first ghost scrooge travelled to the past.
из текста a christmas carol

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. человеку жизненно необходимы приборы и аппараты для системой питания. 2. компьютерные системы были классифицированы на три поколения. 3. япония удерживает лидерство по производству роботов в мире. 4. гибкая производственная линия состоит из программируемого станка и электронной системой . 5. в 1897 году рудольф дизель изобрел новый двигатель внутреннего сгорания.

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