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Вставьте глагол to be в present, past или future indefinite. 1. my father a teacher. 2. he a pupil 20 years ago. 3.1 a doctor when i grow up. 4. my sister not at home tomorrow. 5. she at school tomorrow. 6. at home tomorrow? 7. your father at work yesterday? 8. my sister ill last week. 9. she not ill now. 10. yesterday we at the theatre. 11. where your mother now? — she in the kitchen. 12. where you yesterday? — i at the cinema. 13. when i come home tomorrow, all my family at home. 14. your little sister in bed now? — yes, she … 15. you at school tomorrow? — yes, i . 16. when my granny young, she an actress. 17. my friend in moscow now. 18. he in st. petersburg tomorrow. 19. where your books now? — they in my bag.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. my father ..is. a teacher. 2. he .was.. a pupil 20 years ago. 3.1 .i will be.. a doctor when i grow up. 4. my sister .will.. not .be.. at home tomorrow. 5. she .will be.. atschool tomorrow. 6. will.. you..be.. at home tomorrow? 7. was.. your father at work yesterday? 8. my sister .was.. ill last week. 9. she not ill now. 10. yesterday we .were.. at the theatre. 11. where .is.. your mother now? — she ..is. in the kitchen. 12. where .were.. you yesterday? — i .was.. at the cinema. 13. when i come home tomorrow, all my family .was.. at home. 14. little sister in bed now? — yes, she is… 15. will .. you .be.. at schooltomorrow? — yes, i .will.. 16. when my granny .was.. young, she .was.. an actress. 17.my friend .is.. in moscow now. 18. he .will be.. in st. petersburg tomorrow. 19. where ..are. your books now? — they ..are. in my bag.


This is a large locality, where many people live.

In cities, paved roads, multi-storey buildings, many streets, avenues.

There are many businesses operating in any large city: factories, factories, firms, etc.

Residents of such a locality cannot exist without transport. The area of the city is so large that it is difficult to get to and from work on foot.

In the city there are many different kinds of institutions, entertainment and necessary for the life of people: cinemas, hospitals, clinics, shopping centers, cafes.


Это большой населенный пункт, где живет много людей.

В городах асфальтированные дороги, многоэтажные дома, много улиц, проспектов.

В любом крупном городе работает множество предприятий: заводы, фабрики, фирмы и т. д.

Жители такого населенного пункта не могут существовать без транспорта. Площадь города настолько велика, что трудно добраться до работы и обратно пешком.

В городе много разного рода заведений, развлекательных и необходимых для жизни людей: кинотеатры, больницы, поликлиники, торговые центры, кафе.


This is a small locality.

In the villages, one-story private houses with vegetable gardens, dirt roads and a small number of different kinds of institutions.

However, unlike the city, in such a locality, the air is very clean and there is an opportunity to do household chores.

Transport problems: this can be a single bus that takes children to school every morning in a neighboring village.

There is no need for public transport in the village. After all, if you want, a person can easily go around the entire locality on foot or ride, for example, on a bicycle.


Это небольшой населенный пункт.

В деревнях одноэтажные частные дома с огородами, грунтовыми дорогами и небольшим количеством разного рода учреждений.

Однако, в отличие от города, в таком населенном пункте воздух очень чистый и есть возможность заняться домашними делами.

Транспортные проблемы: это может быть один автобус, который каждое утро возит детей в школу в соседнюю деревню.

В деревне нет необходимости в общественном транспорте. Ведь при желании человек может легко обойти весь населенный пункт пешком или проехаться, например, на велосипеде.


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