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Ответы на вопрос:

Industrial technology began with the development of the  steam  engine . did industrial technology begin with the development of the  steam  engine? общий did industrial technology begin with the development of the  steam or diesel  engine? альтернативный industrial technology began with the development of the  steam  engine, didn't it. разделительный what began with the development of the  steam  engine? к подлежащему what did industrial technology begin with? специальный scientists  study a wide variety of subjects. do scientists  study a wide variety of subjects? do scientists or teachers  study a wide variety of subjects? scientists  study a wide variety of subjects,  don't they? who  studies a wide variety of subjects? what do scientists  study? people  can watch sports events on tv can people watch sports events on tv? can people  can watch sports events on tv or on the internet? people  can watch sports events on tv, can't they? who  can watch sports events on tv? what can people watch   on tv?

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