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Read the extract and choose the correct answer (a, b or c).

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Ответы на вопрос:

Business  1 my friend's name is borisov. he is an economist. he works at an office on the fifth floor in our ministry. his office does  business  ..with. a lot .of..frims. they sell very many goods .to..foreign countries.  they also buy goods .from..them. 2. mr lidin knows english well. he often  meets foreign businessmen and speaks english . every day he  receives a lot .of..mail .from..foreign firms and sends answers .to..them.  3. mr. petrov gets up .at..8 o'clock. he lives ..in.the ministry. he comes .to..his office .at..a quarter .past..9 to get ready .to..work. 4. at.ten  minutes .past..9 mr. petrov comes .at..his office, goes litters  and cables .from..foreign firms and answers them. 5. take all the letters  and cables .out.. .of. that bag and put them .on..my desk. i'd like to go  .to.. all .of..them now. 6. must l speak ..about. our work .in..the meeting?   yes, you must. 7. you can speak .to..him .about.. it .on..the phone

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