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she walked through the wood and soon she came to another little house. "i wonder who lives here," alice thought. 0ot someone in a sort of uniform ran out of the wood and knocked at the door. he looked like a fish and had a big letter in his hand. a frog-man opened the door. he had another sort of uniform. the fish-man gave* the frog-man the huge letter. "this is for the duchess," he said. "it's an invitation from the queen to play croquet." then the fish-man walked away, and the frog-man sat on the frönt steps. alice went up to the door and knocked. "why are you knocking? " asked the frog-man. "i can't let you in, because l'm outside. anyway, no- one can hear you knocking." he was right. there was a terrible noise coming from inside the house. alice heard screams, sneezes, and loud crashes. "well, how can i get in? " asked alice. "why don't you open the door? " asked the frog-man. alice opened the door and went into the house. she was in a large kitchen. in the middle of the kitchen was the duchess, with a noisy baby. there was a cook near the fire with a huge pot of soup.​

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