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such music (often plays/is often played) at children's concerts. late at night yesterday kate (still did/was still doing) her home- work at the desk.
3. i i (have written/have been writing) five greetings cards today; here they are.
4. everybody knew peter (will leave/would leave) for london the next day.
5. the work (will finish/will be finished) on time, i promise
6. this girl isn't jane. jane (sits/is sitting) near the window. she (wears/is wearing) a red sweater today.
7. if you (come/will come) at 7 p.m., we'll be able to catch the 3. w 7.30 p. m. train to manchester. 8. why (don't you work/aren't you working), lucy? - i (have finished/had finished) writing the test.
9. the play (performing/performed) yesterday attracted everybody's 4. a ne attention.
10. did you really see them (ring/to ring) at your neighbour's door?

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Ответы на вопрос:


is often played was still doing have written would leavewill be finished is seating, is wearingwill comearen't you working, performed ring

How old are you? in what class are you? what is your name? what is your last name? what is your patronymic? where were you born? where are you living now? where are you from? in what city were you born? do you speak french?

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