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пример. whole-hearted devotion (devote) — преданность всем сердцем

whole-hearted devotion, gloomy silence, an outstanding novelist, gathering darkness, limitless possibilities, an important addition, a noticeable improvement, complete understanding, widespread popularity, a gymnastic competition, a new acquaintance, a small settlement, an important announcement.

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в переводчике забей там по смыслу всё сам поймешь

відповідь: gloomy silence - мрачная тишина (gloom) an outstanding novelist- новелист (outstand) gathering darkness наростающая темнота (gather), limitless possibilities,неограниченые возможности( limit )an important addition важное примечание (addict), a noticeable improvement, видимое улучшение (notice) complete understanding, полное понимание (understand) widespread popularity,большая популярность (spread) a gymnastic competition соревнования по гимнастике (compete), a new acquaintance новое знакомство (acquainte) a small settlement, маленький поселок (settle) an important announcement. важное обьявление (announce)


I want to tell you about my friend. Her name is Alina. She is 12 years old. She is in 6th grade. We see each other every day. She loves to draw very much. She is very beautiful and kind. I love her very much.

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